In this FAQ section, we provide clear and concise answers to the most common questions about bioenergy certifications.

The certification system to choose will depend on the requirements of your target market, for example, the applicable regulatory requirements; of the type of biomass used, for example solid biomass, it is more convenient to be certified in SURE and if it is biofuel or bioliquids, our recommendation would be ISCC or 2BSvs. As a general concept:

ISCC EU; 2BSvs: Biofuels marketed in the European Union.

ISCC PLUS: if you want to certify circular and biogenic-based products, renewable energy, food, feed, industrial applications and biofuels outside the EU.

ISCC CORSIA: If we want to certify the famous "Sustainable aviation fuels (SAF)" eligible under the ICAO Corsia program.

SURE: If you have solid biomass and its destination is the production of electricity, production of heat or refrigeration, the most used scheme is this. If you have forest biomass, this is the scheme that prevails.

Regarding the biomass that gives rise to the different certification chains, any agricultural and forestry biomass and any residue that gives rise to the different biofuels (used cooking oil; used tires; animal fat, etc.) can be verified.

And as finished products that must comply with the sustainability criteria and with the Renewable Energy Directive for the energy sector we have: biodiesel, bioethanol; biojet (kerosene); electricity; heat production; biomethane and biogas among others..

And the latest to be certified in the energy sector are renewable fuels of non-biological origin (green hydrogen) and recyclable carbon fuels</em Such as fuels produced from plastics or waste from waste processing.

Con respecto a los sectores que aplica tendríamos uso de los biocombustibles para el sector transporte por carretera, marítimo y aéreo. Pero tambien se certifican plásticos reciclados (plásticos circulares) con diferentes usos (empaquetamiento; aplicaciones industriales…). Y por último sector alimentación y piensos como las harinas.

Yes, you can make changes to your certification; however, you must inform your local office before any new sites, processes, or products are added. The local office will determine if further assessment (document review or on-site audit) is needed. Costs will be incurred to make changes to your certificate.

The process will vary depending on several factors, including how many sites and products will need to be included in your audit (called scope), how much time you spend implementing your system and regulatory requirements, how long it will take you to close (if corresponds) the deviations that have been detected, and the availability of an auditor.

What is defined in each scheme is the maximum period from when the audit is carried out and the certificate is issued.

It will depend on the scheme chosen. For example in ISCC, certificates are site specific, which means that one certificate is required per legal entity and per site. On the other hand, for 2BSvs, there is a certificate by legal entity, which includes the different locations they have. Then when it comes to auditing, both schemes have the same audit and sampling criteria.

In most cases, the Certificates are valid for 1 year, but for example, the 2BSvs certification has a five-year cycle with mandatory annual follow-up audits. If there are any changes to your certified scope during the year, you should notify your local office so they can determine if further assessment is needed.

The price of the audit service is adjusted based on the data provided by the company in the prior application form. The concepts that must be taken into account are the on-site audit time; the time of completion of the report; visit time to warehouses (if any); visit to points of origin (waste producers, if applicable by scope) etc. These concepts increase the audit time.